Rummy is an engaging and highly-intriguing skill-based card game equally admired by both online as well as offline gamers. However, with technology slowly taking over our lives, and ease of access to the internet has skyrocketed the demand for online rummy games. Where earlier, the game was confined to family functions and other social gatherings; it can now be easily enjoyed just at the click of a button. Many credible rummy sites are now offering alluring rewards and promotions for players, further eliminating the need to look for interested players.
In India, the 13-Card rummy game is in high demand, and rummy sites are now offering it in 3 different variants viz. Pool Rummy, Points Rummy and Deals Rummy. All these variants are equally entertaining, and more or less follow the same set of rules, with few differences. Regardless of this, each of these variations provide an incredible gaming experience for players along with an opportunity to win cash rewards. Let’s discuss each of these variants in detail, and you can tell us which is the one you love playing the most.
Points Rummy
Points rummy is the quickest variant of online rummy, and undoubtedly the most popular among players. It’s a single deal game, where, as a player you must give your best in just one shot. Each point has a present monetary value, which varies from table to table. A 2-player points rummy game can be quickly concluded in under 5 minutes, with the person making a valid declare first winning the game.
Pool Rummy
Pool Rummy is further classified into 101 pool and 201 pool tables. As the name suggests, participants play several deals unless their accumulated points reach the pre-decided pool value. After that, they are eliminated from the game. The objective is to keep playing till the end, while keeping your overall points to the minimum, and not crossing the pre-decide pool mark. This variant tests the patience and determination of a rummy player and is best enjoyed if you prefer playing games for longer durations.
Deals Rummy
Deals Rummy is one of the most exciting variants of Indian Rummy game, and a perfect combination of above two variants. The number of deals is pre-decided, and the players can participate in a 2 or 3 Deals Rummy game or the Best of 6 Deals Rummy game, depending on their preference. Here the players’ overall score at the end of the game determines their win or loss. Players mostly prefer playing deals rummy because it offers them a choice to improve their game if they somehow couldn’t perform well in a particular del or round. The game mostly takes about 10-15 minutes and can be best enjoyed during a short commute, or while waiting in a long queue.
Every rummy lover has a favourite rummy variant depending on the time they have, the ease of play or their skill level. Now that you’ve got ample knowledge on the different rummy variants, you can easily decide which one is your favourite. Here’s a tip from the pros: Even if you love playing just one variant, you must practice all of them to amplify your rummy skills.” So, enjoy the game at the vibrant tables, and do share which variant you prefer playing over others.
Happy Gaming!